Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Blogger/RIM Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Complaint Received

Well folks, looks like RIM has finally got around to sticking it to BlackBerryFree and has filed a DMCA complaint with Blogger.com.

The nature of the complaint completely revolves around the OS 4.5 Betas, and I'd just like to take this opportunity to give a big SCREW YOU where RIM's sun don't shine.

Alot of us paid top dollar for our BlackBerrys and the current official OS is crippling the capability of our BB's compared to what's possible with the new 4.5 OS. it's been over a year since the last OS update for current GSM BB's. We're sick and tired of waiting around wondering when RIM will get off their asses and release this damn OS to the public already.

I for one am perfectly aware of the risks of using a beta OS, and the fact I have to be part of some "special" beta testing circle at RIM to attain it is ridiculous. Anybody and EVERYBODY should be entitled to be a beta tester with ownership of a BlackBerry being their pass card.

So to sum it up, we'll have to remove the posts with links to OS 4.5 no later than July 17th, 2008, but alternative areas to download will definitely be made available because contrary to stated law I see NOTHING illegal about releasing a product that will be available free of charge to the masses eventually.

In closing, once again... RIM you blow big ones!


Anonymous said...

WOOOOOOOOOOOOO You go man take that rim stickin it to the man i love bb free and you guys keep it up dont let the man get you down

Jaricanese said...

I admire your bravery, I love this site and enjoy the downloads, and I have server space too and I would help if you needed it.

Ricardo Feliciano
jaricanese (at) gmail .com

Bob Garon II, Synergy Kettlebell Training said...

RP very nicely put!

It makes PERFECT sense what you said when you stated: "contrary to stated law I see NOTHING illegal about releasing a product that will be available free of charge to the masses".

That's just pure logic. LOL :)

SLVR6 said...

let me know if I can help......

eSseLlVaRe6 (at) crackberry.com

Chazz said...

I just want for my 8120!! Lick my balls RIM.

Unknown said...

Yes, any chance you can quickly get a newer 8120 posted before the July 17 deadline?

R.P. said...

Thanks everyone, your support is very much appreciated. Your words of encourgement definitely give me cause to press on.

That's what makes the BlackBerry community so great, everyone helps everyone FREE of charge!

I will keep you all updated on any new developments.

Mr. T said...

How stupid of them. I would've bought an iPhone if I hadn't been able to mess with the new betas. So short sighted..

Bruce said...

So just start posting the official 4.5 releases, ie http://blackberryforums.pinstack.com/showthread.php?t=80023 which is, App versions .52
All you need to do is delete the vendor.xml file as usual. Btw that link is the release for 8120 and 8320. Enjoy :-)

Unknown said...


8120 .52 link is above. Straight from RIM!

BreakPoint81 said...

Awesome, simply awesome!

Unknown said...

kudos to you my friend...

Chip said...

I have the latest downloads from your site for the 8320 and the 8100.

If anyone needs them I'll be happy to send them via snail mail on CDR for postage + the cost of a CDR or I'll post them on a new website if necessary

imbadmin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob Garon II, Synergy Kettlebell Training said...

Where can I get the new downloads for the 8100? I think it is the .55 or is there a newer one?


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